The Best Way To Drink Fruta Vida...
If you want to know the best way to take Fruta Vida then listen up!Some of our members add Fruta Vida, to a powershake.Some members make a smooothie with it. Yummy!
Most members just drink it "as is."It tastes great for 9 in every ten people, as is. Make Sure To Chill It First!
The instructions on the bottle recommends taking 1-3 ozs. in the morning and another oz or so in the afternoon, if you need a boost.If you are a Premium member, we recommend taking at least two oz. in the morning and then again around 2 PM.
When drinking Fruta Vida, drink it as you would a wine - small drinks.We also very strongly recommend that you do not swallow Fruta Vida immediately, but rather,roll it around in your mouth and under your tongue for about 20 seconds before swallowing.By rolling Fruta Vida around under your tongue, it will get into your blood stream quicker, and consequently, you'll feel the energy boosts much quicker.If you are a standard member, we recommend an oz in the morning, using the same drinking method mentioned above.
Most members just drink it "as is."It tastes great for 9 in every ten people, as is. Make Sure To Chill It First!
The instructions on the bottle recommends taking 1-3 ozs. in the morning and another oz or so in the afternoon, if you need a boost.If you are a Premium member, we recommend taking at least two oz. in the morning and then again around 2 PM.
When drinking Fruta Vida, drink it as you would a wine - small drinks.We also very strongly recommend that you do not swallow Fruta Vida immediately, but rather,roll it around in your mouth and under your tongue for about 20 seconds before swallowing.By rolling Fruta Vida around under your tongue, it will get into your blood stream quicker, and consequently, you'll feel the energy boosts much quicker.If you are a standard member, we recommend an oz in the morning, using the same drinking method mentioned above.
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